So pleased and humbled that the work we do day in and out in support of our customers is making a difference, and saving lives! Every year, AED manufacturer Philips recognizes when an AED sold is involved in a rescue effort to save a life. This is the heroes@heart Certificate of Recognition presented to Life Safety Solutions founder and president Dave Magruder. Our mission is to provide our customers and community with the training, products, services and support needed to be prepared to help save a life during a sudden cardiac arrest event, whether in the workplace, at home, or out in public. Contact us for more information or call 888-748-0004.
Life Safety SolutionsExpert in the field of public access AEDs, providing health and safety training, products, program management and risk mitigation since 2001. "Life Can Be Shocking!" We're about raising awareness of Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA), increasing bystander participation through CPR AED education, and building strong AED safety programs. Strong safety programs help increase chances of saving a life while lowering risk.
Every second counts! Categories
April 2020